What are considered precious metals? In this blog post, we will explore the world of popular precious metals such as gold and silver, their physical properties, and why they hold significant value. We’ll also discuss what makes them attractive for investment purposes.

From industrial applications like platinum’s diverse uses to rhodium’s role in the automobile industry, you’ll learn about various aspects of these valuable commodities. What are considered precious metals when it comes to articles made from them? Discover hallmarking standards and safe handling practices that ensure your investments remain secure. Dive into our comprehensive guide on precious metals today!

Table of Contents:

Primary Precious Metals

The world of precious metals is vast and fascinating, with eight primary elements taking center stage: gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and osmium. These rare metallic elements hold high economic value due to their scarcity and industrial applications.

Gold reigns supreme as the most popular choice for investment purposes, while silver follows closely behind with many uses in industries such as electronics manufacturing.

Gold: A Highly Valued Metal for Investments

Throughout history, gold has been a symbol of wealth and power. With its long-standing status as a store of value, gold remains an attractive choice for investors looking to diversify their portfolios or hedge against inflation. Investing in gold can be done through various methods, including purchasing physical bullion or buying shares in mining companies.

Silver: Versatile Usage in Various Industries

Silver’s versatility makes it a valuable asset not only for investors but also within numerous industries. From its use in solar panels to medical devices and even water purification systems, silver’s wide range of applications contributes significantly to its demand on the global market.

Investing in Precious Metals

Precious metals are often sought after by investors looking to protect themselves from financial turmoil or geopolitical unrest. They offer a safe haven during times of uncertainty and can be added to portfolios through various mechanisms.

Some popular methods include owning physical bullion, purchasing futures contracts on derivatives markets, or buying shares of publicly-traded companies engaged in exploration/production activities related to specific mineral resources.

Physical Ownership of Bullion

One way investors choose to invest in precious metals is by owning physical bullion, such as coins or bars. This method allows for direct ownership and control over the asset while providing tangible value that can be easily liquidated if needed.

Futures Contracts on Derivatives Markets

An alternative approach involves trading futures contracts on derivatives markets like the COMEX. These contracts allow investors to speculate on future price movements without actually taking possession of the metal itself. For more information about this investment strategy, check out this guide on futures contracts.

Shares of Publicly-Traded Mining Companies

Last but not least, investing in shares of mining companies offers exposure to precious metals without directly owning them. By selecting well-established firms with strong track records, investors can benefit from their expertise and potentially see gains as these companies discover new deposits or increase production levels. 


Key Takeaway: 

The article discusses the primary precious metals, including gold and silver, which hold high economic value due to their scarcity and industrial applications. It also explores various methods of investing in these metals, such as owning physical bullion or buying shares in mining companies. Precious metals are often sought after by investors looking to protect themselves from financial turmoil or geopolitical unrest as they offer a safe haven during times of uncertainty.

Industrial Applications Driving Demand

As the world continues to grow and develop, emerging economies are seeking resources to support ongoing urbanization and population expansion efforts. This increasing global demand for precious metals makes them valuable commodities over time. Two such examples of precious metals with diverse industrial applications are platinum and rhodium.

Platinum’s Diverse Industrial Uses

Platinum is a highly sought-after metal due to its numerous applications in various industries. For instance, it plays a significant role in the automotive industry as a key component in catalytic converters, which help reduce harmful emissions from vehicles. Jewelry makers prize platinum for its durability and ability to resist discoloration.

Beyond these uses, platinum also finds application in electrochemical processes, dental materials, computer hard drives, and even cancer treatment drugs like cisplatin. Given its multiple uses, it’s no surprise that the demand for platinum remains strong.

Rhodium’s Role in the Automobile Industry

Rhodium may not be as well-known as other precious metals like gold or silver; however, it holds great importance within the automobile industry. Like platinum, rhodium is primarily used in catalytic converters found within cars’ exhaust systems – helping convert toxic gases into less harmful substances before they’re released into the atmosphere.

Due to its rarity and effectiveness in reducing vehicle emissions, rhodium has become an essential component for meeting stringent environmental regulations. As the global demand for cleaner transportation options increases, so does the need for this precious metal.


Key Takeaway: 

The demand for precious metals such as platinum and rhodium is driven by their diverse industrial applications, particularly in the automotive industry. These metals are used in catalytic converters to reduce harmful emissions from vehicles, among other uses. 

Articles Made from Precious Metals

Items crafted from valuable metals like gold and silver are in high demand due to their scarcity and worth. These valuable materials can be found in various forms like jewelry pieces, household items like silverware, and cutlery sets. To ensure the authenticity of these products, they may require hallmarking standards certification, depending on jurisdictional requirements governing commerce involving such goods.

Hallmarking Standards Certification Process

The hallmarking process is essential for maintaining consumer trust in the quality of precious metal articles. It involves testing an item’s purity level against a set standard before applying a unique mark that indicates its fineness. For example, gold hallmarks typically include marks for purity (measured in karats or parts per thousand), maker’s mark, assay office symbol (where it was tested), and date letter (when it was assayed).

Rules Regarding Marketing Products with Lower Fineness Levels

In order to protect consumers from fraudulent practices related to precious metals marketing, strict rules have been established regarding product labeling based on their fineness levels. If an article contains lower than specified thresholds of a particular metal content (%age by weight or parts per thousand), it must not be marketed as a precious metal item nor bear any associated marks intended for this purpose. This ensures that consumers are not misled into purchasing inferior-quality products.


Key Takeaway: 

The article discusses precious metals and their various forms, including jewelry pieces and household items like silverware. It emphasizes the importance of hallmarking standards certification to ensure authenticity and consumer trust in quality. 

Safe Handling & Storage Practices

This ensures consumer safety and security throughout the lifecycle stages of these valuable assets, both before and after sale transactions.

One key aspect is using verified precision scales for accurate weight measurements during transaction processes. These scales should possess valid verification credentials to guarantee precise results.

Verified Precision Scales for Weight Measurements

To guarantee the accuracy of weight measurements in transactions involving precious metals, it is crucial to use verified precision scales with valid certification credentials. These instruments must undergo regular calibration checks by authorized agencies to maintain their reliability and ensure fair dealings between buyers and sellers.

Precautions in Handling & Storing Precious Metal Articles

Precious metal articles like jewelry, coins, or bullion require special care during handling and storage. To prevent scratches or damage, always wear gloves when touching these items directly and avoid stacking them without protective padding between each piece.

In addition to physical protection measures such as safes or secure storage facilities, consider investing in insurance coverage specifically designed for precious metals against theft or damage risks while storing at home or elsewhere.

Storing Valuables at Home or in a Safe Deposit Box

When storing precious metals at home, invest in a high-quality safe that is both fire-resistant and burglar-proof. Ensure it is anchored securely to the floor or wall for added protection against theft attempts.

Consider renting a secure box from your bank or credit union for an extra layer of security and easy access to your valuables. This provides an extra layer of security for your valuables while also keeping them easily accessible when needed.

Insuring Your Precious Metal Investments

Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group offers specialized insurance policies designed specifically for jewelry and other precious metal items. These policies provide comprehensive coverage against risks such as theft, damage, and loss – ensuring peace of mind for investors.

In conclusion, proper handling and storage practices are essential when dealing with precious metals. By following these guidelines and investing in appropriate safety measures like verified precision scales, secure storage options, and insurance coverage – you can protect your valuable investments while enjoying the benefits they offer over time.


Key Takeaway: 

Proper handling and storage practices are crucial when dealing with precious metals. It is important to use verified precision scales for accurate weight measurements, wear gloves to prevent scratches or damage, invest in secure storage options like safes or safe deposit boxes, and consider insurance coverage against theft or damage risks. Following these guidelines can protect valuable investments while ensuring consumer safety and security throughout the lifecycle stages of these assets.

FAQs in Relation to What Are Considered Precious Metals?

What are some examples of articles made of precious metals?

Jewelry, coins, bullion bars, and industrial components are all examples of items that can be crafted from rare and valuable metals like gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

What are 5 popular precious metals?

  1. Gold – the classic precious metal that has been used for currency and jewelry for centuries.
  2. Silver – a versatile metal used in jewelry, coins, and industrial applications.
  3. Platinum – a dense, corrosion-resistant metal that is often used in catalytic converters and jewelry.
  4. Palladium – a rare metal that is used in catalytic reactions, jewelry, dental fillings, and crowns.
  5. Rhodium – a highly reflective metal that is used in catalytic converters and as a catalyst in the chemical industry.


Precious metals have been cherished since time immemorial. Once considered treasures, they are no less valuable today.

With a wide range of uses, from jewelry to industrialization, and a history as safe commodities, they will most likely always be in demand.

Yet there is a limit to how much precious metals one should possess. 

Do you have more than you need? Contact Send Gold Get Cash for a free appraisal kit today, and get cash for precious metals to cash that you can use today!